October Blog_2020

Blue's Blog October 2020


October 1, 2020 - pdf version


Hello everyone.  Can you believe it is already October!  Did you know it was Farm to Preschool Month?  Do you know what that is?  I’ve heard a lot of things that sound like that; Farm to Preschool, Farm to Early Care and Education, Farm to Childcare, Farm to School.   What does all this mean? 


This all pretty much means the same thing.  These are different ways child care centers, preschools, and school connect to local foods farms to improving child nutrition, supporting local economies, and educating children about where they get the food they eat from.  


In North Carolina, the Farm to preschool programs serve local produce, take farm field trips, hold cooking classes using local food, and create school gardens at schools and childcare facilities.  It helps to enhance the health and education of young children through experiential learning and connect these children and their families with local food and local farms.   If you are interested in getting started with the Farm to Preschool/Farm to Early Care and Education/ Farm to Child Care, contact your local Smart Start or Cooperative Extension.   Also check out the NEW National Farm to School Network's Vision and Key Strategies to Advance Farm to Early Care and Education



Here are a few simple ways to include Farm to Preschool ideas at you center:

  • Bring in local foods for snacks and meals
  • Start a school garden
  • Have taste test
  • Visit a farm
  • Have a famer visit




Blue and his friends like to celebrate National Farm to School Month by taking part in the North Carolina Crunch each year.  This year, it may look a little different, but on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at noon everyone is encouraged enjoy crunching into apples grown by local farmers to promote healthy eating and local agriculture.   If you and your center would like to take part in the 2020 NC Crunch Day, visit the website and register today.


We reached out to our friend Lynn Pollicastro, from Wake County Partnership for Children, for ideas of how to incorporate NC Crunch Day into your lesson plans:

  • Read a book about apples
  • Try a new apple recipe
  • Taste test a variety of apples
  • Eat apples with friends
  • Play a game or do an activity about apples


Blue the Caring Cub


  • Preservice Teachers Learn to Use Be Active Kids in Limited Spaces

    I really enjoyed our class meeting. It was interesting to discover that you can do just about anything with children in the classroom where there may not be much space to encourage them to be active.  A change that I will make in my own life is to be more active, as well as my daughter. I will share this information with my friends that have children such as yoga animals, or Simon Says.

    Cathy Sesta, Parent & Child Care Provider
  • Early Childhood Physical Activity Institute

    Thank you for inviting me to be part of this year’s Institute. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed the experience. You’re doing amazing work and I hope I’ll be able to continue contributing to it a bunch in the future.

    Rae Pica, www.movingandlearning.com
  • Plenty of Resources That I Can Use and Share

    This class was informative, and I look forward to being physically active with young children. On Friday, I volunteered at a Parents Night Out through my daughter's school. When I got there the kids were watching a movie. I got them up to play Simon Says and Red Light Green Light, however, after that I was stuck on what to do. I wish I had the knowledge I gained from this class, to have made it more exciting.

    I enjoyed your Land and Lake Activity.

    Venessa Wright, Parent & Child Care Provider
  • Be Active Kids Trainers Rock!

    I loved the training.  I would have loved it more if I had the other teachers from my center there also.  I am really looking forward to taking my kit to work and sharing it with my staff.  I liked Brittney, she reminded me of myself as far as being very active and motivated.  When I am at work with my little ones we stay busy all day.  I feel like singing my instructions and dancing my actions helps them to focus better on what I need for them to do.  Britney was great and I learned a lot from her. I am always trying to find new little ways to get the kids moving.

    Tiffany Daniel, Sandhill Community College

    The Early Childhood Physical Activity Institute was just wonderful!  Thank you again for including me in such an important effort to create and sustain leaders in EC physical activity. I would love to return to NC anytime that you think I can help. I enjoyed meeting the folks who work with you and hearing about all of the great things that are planned. 

    Linda Carson, Choosy Kids
  • Be Active Kids has Much to Offer

    Congratulations to you and everyone who has been promoting PA for young
    children in NC. You have much to be proud of here. Be Active Kids is an excellent source of ideas for promoting active play in unstructured settings. The Be Active Kids website also has resources on promoting unstructured active play. I encourage folks to review these resources. 

    Diane Craft, SUNY Cortland & Active Play Books
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