Blue's Blog January 2021
January 10, 2021 - pdf version
Happy New Year Everyone! It’s 2021 and we can say goodbye to an unbelievable 2020! Though we are still dealing with the global pandemic, we are learning how to deal with it. We now have a vaccine, we know our “3 W’s, Wear, Wait, and Wash” and we are all taking things outside more often. The pandemic has changed many aspects of how we live, but we hope you will start the year off by setting goals to stay healthy and active.
My friends and I, want to encourage everyone to keep on following the 3-W’s: Wear, Wait and Wash. Wear a mask, it will help to keep the virus from spreading. Wait, wait six feet apart so you are be sure to practice proper social distancing.
Finally, wash your hands. My friends and I sing Happy Birthday while we wash our hands with warm soapy water. By following the 3 W’s, we hope to lower the possibility of spreading the novel coronavirus. For a practical, education and active way to talk to children about the Coronavirus pandemic, check out our Blue the Caring Cub and COVID 19 book.
To stay active during the pandemic, many experts are encouraging taking things outside. Being active outside when the mercury drops, you do need to think about what you wear. Knowing that, we reached out to our friends at REI to find out what they suggested we wear to stay warm. Below are a few tips to keep kids warm:

- Dress in layers
- Get the right fit clothing and plan for growth
- Get the right footwear
- Accessorize extremities gloves/mittens, hats, and socks
- Choose clothes that are made from wool or synthetic fabrics
Finally, with the new year hear, we encourage you to take time to set your health goals for 2021. Remember these goals should be SMART; Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Relevant and Time bound. Your goals should be specific and have a defined focus, while being measurable. When setting these goals, you want to make them within reach and related to what you are trying to accomplish. Finally, when you create your goals, make it within a set timeline to accomplish your goals. Work hard and continue to look at your goals and you’ll succeed.
Stay safe and reach your goals each day! When you do, take a pictures and share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #caughtbeingactive, #beactiveblue and @beactivekids. We look forward to seeing you in action!