The work on Be Active Kids is based on strong evidence and over 15 years of practical experience. In order to create a healthy environment for children to grow and develop it is important to consider several components that will/may affect the continued success of our efforts to connect children, adults, and environments in communities across North Carolina. Use these 10 components as a guide to making changes in your child care center/home, school, home, and community. Start with the easier ones first then work toward accomplishing all of them over time as your gain more comfort, knowledge, experience, success, and support.
- Understand the importance of physical activity, movement, skill development and play
- Assess for a health environment
- Set goals and create and action plan related to physical activity
- Integrate physical activity into planning routines
- Alter policies related to physical activity
- Incorporate staff wellness including physical activity
- Provide parent education related to physical activity and play
- Alter indoor and outdoor environments that enhance physical activity and active play
- Choose and use physical activity equipment appropriately
- Sustaining an active and healthy environment