Be Active Kids is an award winning, innovative, interactive health program for children ages birth to five is available to adults working in child care centers, child care homes, and schools. Its evidence-based and evidence-informed messages are carried out through five cuddly and adventurous characters including Blue the caring cub, Glide the bird, Swing the monkey, Leap the rabbit and Dart the dog. Using these characters as their guides, children can engage in playful experiences, interact with a story, explore their natural surroundings, and much more.
Our Mission
Improve the health of children birth to five.
Milestone Goals
- Improving the physical activity and nutrition practices in child care centers, schools, homes, and communities by giving young children the tools they need to develop positive physical activity and nutrition habits for a lifetime of good health.
- Providing the best physical activity related resources and professional development to individuals caring for young children.
- Developing and maintaining strong relationships around children's health.
Our Approach
This program utilizes a developmentally appropriate curriculum kit and various training modules to increase physical activity of both children and adults in early childhood settings. Instructional materials provide physical activity content along with instructional strategies in four focus areas motor skill development, health-related fitness, play, and nature. Integrating learning and movement is a key to developing a balanced and healthy child who understands and interacts with the world around them.
In addition to the curricula, Be Active Kids offers several training modules, based on our 10 components, to assist in the continuing education of early childhood professionals. Our training modules vary in length from one to five hours and are intended to be connected together to develop a deeper level of competence while assisting educators in gaining CEUs towards certification. Each training module includes active engagement and physical activity, relevant and up-to-date information, practical examples and application of the information presented, as well as follow-up action. Be Active Kids trainings align with NC Division of Child Development topic areas: (1) Planning a safe, healthy learning environment; (2) Children’s physical & intellectual development; (3) Child growth development; and (4) Productive relationships with families. Be Active Kids is also aligned with North Carolina Child Care Rules, North Carolina Environment Rating Scales, North Carolina Foundation for Early Learning and Development, and Nutrition and Physical Activity Assessment for Child Care.
Our Partners
Be Active Kids is proud to have so many great local, state, national, and international partners and supporters. Improving the health of children across North Carolina would be so much more difficult and our shared success would be some much more limited without our wonderful collaboration, communication, and overall connection.
Our Clubhouse Team
Meet our five cuddly and adventurous Be Active Kids characters.
The Problem
The most critical time to set a foundation for a healthy life is from birth to age five yet these youngest of North Carolinian’s are less healthy than any previous generation.
FACT: 3 out of every 10 young, low-income children ages 2-4 are either overweight or obese.
FACT: Children devote only four to seven minutes a day to unstructured outdoor play like climbing trees, drawing with chalk on the sidewalk, taking a nature walk or playing a game of catch. Yet, kids spend more than seven hours each day in front of electronic media.
The Solution
Children need to be more active and eat healthier, more nutritious meals and snack.
FACT: If children 0-5 can engage in a minimum of 120 minutes of active play and movement each day obesity rates can be reduced and positive health effects will take place.
OBSERVATION: “A 4 year old knows better how to work an iPad than how to climb in a tree.”
Our Role
We provide the best resources and training experiences for adults working with young children, ages 0-5 throughout North Carolina.
FACT: Over 250,000 children, ages 0-5 spent more than 40 hours a week in over 7,500 regulated child care facilities in North Carolina
TESTIMENT: “I really wish we had a program like this in our state. North Carolina is so lucky to have someone focusing on this consistently.”